If you are looking for a comprehensive eye care solution, whether just routine checks or finding the best possible treatment for your specific eye ailments, Cure Plus Medical Center Ophthalmology Department has put together a team of experts and specialists to understand and address your eye care needs.
Services offered include:
- Full visual equity check-up, color test and do refraction (with and without cycloplegia for adult and pediatric) and prescribe glasses.
- Orthoptic check-up and strabismus assessment
- Full retina examination with and without pupil dilatation
- Dry eyes syndrome assessment epiphora assessment
- Chalazion excision and Eyelid Cyst Removal
- Eye lashes removal
- Suture removal
- lacrimal duct irrigation probing
- Lacrimal plug insertion
- Managing ophthalmic emergency like trauma & Conditions like glaucoma and infection.
- Diabetic Retinopathy assessment & Follow-up
- Retinal Vascular diseases
- Retinal detachment diagnosis
- Macular diseases assessment & follow-up
- Hereditary retinal degenerations and diseases
- Uveitis
- Other vitreoretinal disorders
- Ocular Oncology (Diagnosis eye tumors)
- Optical Coherence Tomography OCT Angio, OCT macula + OCT Dis
- Color fundus photo
- Glaucoma assessment and follow-up
- Cataract assessment and follow-up
- Lipiflow Dry Eye Treatments